SQL Quiz 5
SQL Quiz 5
1. In EMP table, assume three columns, EMPNO, MGR and SAL with just numeric meaning, print max value, minimum value of three value as in the example below. (If EMPNO, MGR, SAL value are null, change them to 0)
1 | SELECT empno, |
2. In DEPT table, if column length is over 6 digit, show them 5 digit and add ‘..’ to the back.
1 | SELECT dname, |
3. In EMP table, print last day of HIREDATE month and WORK_DAY from HIREDATE to 2006/08/05 as in example below.
1 | SELECT empno, |
4. Print the person with the highest workdays in solution number 3.
1 |
5. Print the person with highest person and lowest person each in solution number 3.
1 | SELECT empno, |